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Купить Lifeless Planet (Steam Gift | Region Free) +ПОДАРОК

Lifeless Planet (Steam Gift | Region Free) +ПОДАРОК

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499.00 руб.

В нашем магазине вы сможете купить Lifeless Planet (Steam Gift | Region Free) +ПОДАРОК дешево и надежно. Оплата онлайн, любым удобным способом. Lifeless Planet (Steam Gift |ROW| Region Free) +ПОДАРОК в Steam


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Игра навсегда ассоциируется с вашей учетной записью Steam и вы сможете загрузить её в любом месте и в любое время.

Информация о Lifeless Planet:
Активация: Steam

Дата выхода: 6 Jun 2014

Об игре:
While seeking life on a distant planet, an astronaut discovers an abandoned Russian town. He suspects his mission is a hoax until a mysterious young woman saves him from a strange and deadly phenomenon... Lifeless Planet is a third-person action-adventure that features an old-school sci-fi story and spectacular environments in the spirit of classic action-adventures.

After a hard landing on the planet, the astronaut discovers the planet that was reported to be rich with life is instead a barren wasteland. When he goes searching for his crew, he makes a more startling discovery: evidence that humans have already been to this planet years ago! When he comes upon a deserted Soviet-era Russian town, he struggles to make sense of his mission. Did his light-speed travel to the planet send him back in time? Or is this all some strange Cold War hoax?

Along the way, the astronaut meets a Russian woman, Aelita, who is somehow able to survive the hostile atmosphere of the planet. Through an unusual natural phenomenon, the her skin causes the soil to glow green under her feet. The player must use these glowing tracks as a guide across the planet past treacherous and deadly threats. Is she leading him to safety... or an untimely death?

Lifeless Planet was inspired by Cold War era science fiction stories, posing questions about humankind´s desire for space travel. What if you journeyed across the galaxy to another planet, only to find humans had already been there? What kind of person would sign up for a one-way mission, leaving behind planet Earth and everyone they´ve ever known and love... to go in search of an Earth-like planet?

Equipped with a limited-use jet-pack and a mobile robotic arm, the player must use wits and skill to solve puzzles, unravel the mystery, and survive the Lifeless Planet!

Key Features:

Explore 20 unique and atmospheric environments on a vast and treacherous planet.
Follow a mysterious young woman as she guides you past dangerous terrain and deadly life-forms.
Investigate the startling discovery of an abandoned Russian town.
Experience an exciting and intriguing story through rich graphics and cinematic cut-scenes.


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1) Купить у нас игру
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Рассылка подарка делается в течении 48 часов после написания комментария.
Доп. информация
Все наши игры -- http://www.plati.ru/asp/seller.asp?id_s=372745

Что нужно, чтобы начать играть:

1. Необходимо скачать и установить Steam http://steampowered.com/about (если еще не установлен);
2. Зарегистрировать новый аккаунт в Steam или зайти в существующий;
3. Полученную после покупки ссылку, необходимо скопировать и вставить в ваш интернет браузер, авторизоваться под своей учётной записью Steam и принять подарок себе в БИБЛИОТЕКУ (т.е. активировать на аккаунт) или добавить в ИНВЕНТАРЬ (т.е. подарок можно будет кому-нибудь передать);
4. После активации игра появится в списке игр и вы сможете скачать ее в Steam, а затем начать играть.

That u need do for play:

1. Download and install Steam http://steampowered.com/about (if not installed);
2. Create new Steam account or login to existing account;
3. Copy and past direct link that you got into your browser, login to your Steam account and accept gift into your LIBRARY or INVENTORY(and send it to your friend).
4. After activation game appear in your library and you can install and play it!

Если остались какие либо вопросы, напишите нам в онлайн чат. If you have some question -> use Online chat.
Количество продаж товара - 9
Тип товара: текстовая информация ( 92 символа)
Загружен - 09.07.2014 14:45:01
Продавец - Steamshop gifts
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