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Купить Timelines: Assault on America ( STEAM GIFT REG. FREE )

Timelines: Assault on America ( STEAM GIFT REG. FREE )

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66.00 руб.

В нашем магазине вы сможете купить Timelines: Assault on America ( STEAM GIFT REG. FREE ) дешево и надежно. Оплата онлайн, любым удобным способом. TimeLines: Assault On America - это стратегия в реальном времени, действие которой разворачивается в альтернативной истории, когда Германия вторгается в США во время Второй Мировой войны

July 20, 1942,
Berlin, Germany

The United States’ Office of Strategic Services (OSS) take advantage of information provided to them by the underground German resistance against the Third Reich. The OSS launch operation ‘Wolf’s Head’, where top marksmen hide among a rally given in honor of Adolf Hitler.

Thousands of onlookers salute and cheer as the blue Mercedes convertible carrying the Third Reich leader makes its way through the downtown Berlin rally. Gun shots are heard, and the crowd screams. In a panic, several German officers run towards the convertible. There, they see Adolf Hitler with two bullets in the head. One man shouts out ‘He is dead!’

July 21, 1942

Thousands of Germans are arrested and interrogated by enraged German Leaders. The German army learn of Operation ‘Wolf’s Head’ and decide to abandon plans of invading Russia. The Germans convince their Axis ally Japan to launch a two front invasion of the United States of America. Germany will attack from the East while Japan will invade on the West. The United States Army must defend their country from the Assault On America.

Key Features:

★ 12 missions culminating in the battle for Washington D.C.
★ 4 player co-op multiplayer: choose between 9 playable countries USA, UK, France, Russia, Japan, German, Hungary, Romania, and Czechoslovakia
★ Multiplayer modes include, Player versus Player and Player vs A.I.
★ Cross Platform multiplayer PC/Mac/LINUX
★ 20 unit types per nation upgradeable for all infantry and vehicles (200 usable upgrades) Tanks, Trucks, Commander Vehicles, stationary guns, and much more
★ Defensive tactics include minefield planting, stationary turrets, and anti-tank assault
★ Airstrike capabilities for offensive special attacks
★ Learning AI that adjusts to the player´s skill level
★ Delayed orders allowing for multiple commands to be followed in unison
★ Elevated terrains allowing for multiple strategic tactics
Доп. информация

1. Необходимо скачать и установить Steam http://steampowered.com/download/SteamInstall.msi
2. Зайти под своей учетной записью или зарегистрировать новую.
3. Далее необходимо пройти по ссылке, полученной после покупки, авторизоваться под своей учётной записью Steam и принять подарок себе в БИБЛИОТЕКУ или добавить в ИНВЕНТАРЬ.
4. После активации игра появиться в БИБЛИОТЕКЕ или в вашем ИНВЕНТАРЕ, где вы можете уже начать играть или активировать позже/подарить другу.
Количество продаж товара - 1
Тип товара: текстовая информация ( 163 символа)
Загружен - 20.05.2014 23:57:59
Продавец - SteamMarket®
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