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Купить Famaze ( Steam Key / Region Free )

Famaze  ( Steam Key / Region Free )

Есть в наличии.
13.00 руб.

В нашем магазине вы сможете купить Famaze ( Steam Key / Region Free ) дешево и надежно. Оплата онлайн, любым удобным способом. Famaze - двухмерная приключенческая RPG, стилизованная под игрушки конца 90-х годов.

Famaze is a retro themed puzzle adventure game. The game combines charming SNES era visuals and sound, randomized "roguelike"mazes, strategy and puzzles, rpg elements, and a fun lighthearted story. The game is simple to pick up but offers endless replay because of the procedural nature of its levels.

The story of the game involves a mad king who has captured the happy rutabagas of the land and has turned them into evil monsters to guard his kingdom while he searches for the elusive perfect recipe for rutabaga pudding. The heroes of the land (a knight, thief, or wizard) must delve deep into the king´s domain to rescue the rutabagas, find the gem of truth to unravel the secret recipe and put a stop to the mad king´s plot.

Original soundtrack by Disasterpeace
Artwork by Oryx

★ Procedurally generated puzzle dungeons created infinite replayability.
★ Environmental variables including treasure chests, pit traps, healing blocks, and magic beacons.
★ 3 heroes to choose from with powerful unique abilities.
★ Useful items including potions, fireballs, teleport orbs, and magic crystals.
★ Collectible hidden artifact pieces meta game with artifact summary screen.
★ A fun, lighthearted story line.
★ An original soundtrack including 23 unique tracks by Disasterpeace
★ Detailed stat tracking including gold, high scores, types of monster kills, etc.
Доп. информация

1. Необходимо скачать и установить Steam http://steampowered.com/download/SteamInstall.msi
2. Зайти под своей учетной записью или зарегистрировать новую.
3. Перейти в раздел "Мои игры" и выбрать "Активировать через Steam...", и ввести ключ полученный после оплаты.
4. После активации, игра появится в списке игр (Библиотеке) и вы сможете её скачать.
Количество продаж товара - 4
Тип товара: текстовая информация ( 72 символа)
Загружен - 16.01.2015 07:37:57
Продавец - SteamMarket®
Количество положительных отзывов: 3
Количество отрицательных отзывов: 0