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Купить Thomas Was Alone (Steam Key/ RoW)

Thomas Was Alone (Steam Key/ RoW)

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30.00 руб.

В нашем магазине вы сможете купить Thomas Was Alone (Steam Key/ RoW) дешево и надежно. Оплата онлайн, любым удобным способом. ОБ ИГРЕ:

"Минималистичный" инди-платформер, повествующий о дружбе и антигравитации. Игрок управляет "группой прямоугольников", обладающей рядом интересных способностей. Цель игры проста – дойти до конца уровня.


Thomas Was Alone, and then, Well, he Wasn´t.

Thomas Was Alone is an indie minimalist 2D platformer about friendship and jumping and floating and anti-gravity. Guide a group of rectangles through a series of obstacles, using their different skills together to get to the end of each environment.

Listen to awesome music by David Housden. Jump over rectangles meticulously placed by Mike Bithell. Listen to voiceover read wistfully and a bit amusingly by Danny Wallace.

Thomas Was Alone tells the story of the world´s first sentient AIs, and how they worked together to, well, not escape: Escape is a strong word. ´Emerge´ might be better. ´Emerge´ has an air of importance about it, while keeping the myriad plot twists and superhero origin stories you´ll discover under wraps. We didn´t even mention the bouncing. That´d be overkill.
Количество продаж товара - 2
Тип товара: текстовая информация ( 17 символов)
Загружен - 19.08.2013 02:50:31
Продавец - TenStrike
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